SnappyFox > Download log
USBLogView is a small utility that runs in the background and records the details of any USB device that is plugged or unplugged into your system. For every log line created by USBLogView, the following information is displayed: Event Type (Plug/Unplug), Event Time, Device Name, Description, Device Type, Drive Letter (For storage devices), Serial Number... -
TcpLogView is a simple utility that monitors the opened TCP connections on your system, and adds a new log line every time that a TCP connection is opened or closed. For every log line, the following information is displayed: Even Time, Event Type (Open, Close, Listen), Local Address, Remote Address, Remote Host Name, Local Port,... -
SkypeLogView reads the log files created by Skype application, and displays the details of incoming/outgoing calls, chat messages, and file transfers made by the specified Skype account. You can select one or more items from the logs list, and then copy them to the clipboard, or export them into text/html/csv/xml file. -
NetworkConnectLog is a simple utility that repeatedly scans your local area network (Using ARP and Netbios protocols) and add a new log line every time that a new computer or device connects to your network, and when a computer or device disconnects from your network. After the connect/disconnect log lines are accumulated, you can easily... -
FullEventLogView is a simple tool for Windows 10/8/7/Vista that displays in a table the details of all events from the event logs of Windows, including the event description. It allows you to view the events of your local computer, events of a remote computer on your network, and events stored in .evtx files. It also... -
EventLogSourcesView is a simple tool that displays the list of all event log sources installed on your system. For every event log source, the following information is displayed: Event Source Name, Event Type, DLL/EXE Files containing the event message strings, Registry Modified Time, and version information taken from the DLL/EXE file (Product Name, Company, File...