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This utility displays the list of opened windows on your system. For each window, some useful information is displayed: the title, the handle of window, location, size, class name, process number, the name of the program that created the window, and more… In addition, you can easily hide, show or close the selected windows, or... -
SkypeContactsView is a simple tool that displays the list of all Skype contacts stored in the local database file of Skype. For each contact, one or more of the following fields are displayed: Skype Name, Full Name, Display Name, Gender, ID, Birthday, Profile Time, Last Online Time, Last Used Time, Phone, Emails, and more… SkypeContactsView... -
SecuritySoftView is a simple tool that displays the AntiVirus, AntiSpyware, and Firewall programs that are currently installed on your system and registered with the security center of Windows operating system. -
OpenSaveFilesView is a simple tool that displays the list of files that you previously opened with the standard open/save dialog-box of Windows. For every file in the list, the following information is displayed: Filename, Extension, Order (The order that the files were opened for every file extension), Open Time (Available only for the last opened... -
NetworkOpenedFiles is a simple tool for Windows that displays the list of all files that are currently opened by other computers on your network. For every opened filename, the following information is displayed: Filename, user name, computer name (On Windows 7/2008 or later), Permissions information (Read/Write/Create), locks count, file owner, file size, file attributes, and... -
LoadedDllsView is a simple tool for Windows that scans all running processes on your system and displays the list of all DLL files loaded by these processes and the number of processes that load each DLL in the list. When selecting a DLL file in the upper pane of LoadedDllsView, the lower pane displays the... -
Each time that you copy something into the clipboard for pasting it into another application, the copied data is saved into multiple formats. The main clipboard application of Windows only display the basic clipboard formats, like text and bitmaps, but doesn’t display the list of all formats that are stored in the clipboard. InsideClipboard is... -
ImageCacheViewer is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited. For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image...